Choose from 23 校园 throughout California!Serving 460,000+ students, the California State University is the largest and one of the most affordable university systems in the country.

Guidelines for How to 转移 to a CSU

Follow these tips and steps to make sure you are prepared to apply and transfer from PCC to a CSU school.

Use the PCC 转移 Tool and to help you determine which PCC courses can be transferred to a CSU.

Some 专业 at the CSU are "impacted" and require an even higher GPA. Please consult with a counselor for more information about this topic or to obtain a listing of impacted 专业.

You can do this by following either the CSU GE Requirements (Fall 2021 and later) / CSU GE Requirements (Prior to Fall 2021) or IGETC. For more information regarding general education and the certification process, please contact a counselor or university representative.

Though the majority of CSU schools follow the same requirements, there are some differences. For example, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is an impacted campus and consequently the admissions process is HIGHLY competitive and different from the process at the other CSU campuses. Speak with a transfer adviser or university rep to review the requirements you need 遵循.

Are you planning to lication for the upcoming Spring or Fall Semester? If so, check 我们的 events calendar to find a 转移 Workshop to attend and find out about all the application steps and deadlines. 

审查 upcoming CSU application deadlines to make sure you submit your CSU application on time.

CSU Online Application

Resources for 转移 to a CSU